In the absence of a decent Dr WHO calendar this year, I've plummed for that rather nice retro Star Trek one which reprints the gaudy covers of the franchise's first foray into comic books courtesy of the US publisher Gold Key.
Here's a few Gold Key inspired Dr WHO covers for the third Doctor.
There's a publication out there - on the streets of Britain. A magazine apparently a souvenir of the BBCtv series Doctor Who. But it's cover suggests that it's 100% independent and unofficial - which kind of rules out the official Doctor Who magazine.
Needless to say the care taken with it's production is evidently clear on its cover which features a carefully crafted montage of all of the Doctors - including Richard Hurndall taking his rightful place as the first Doctor.
I've yet to see the actual magazine in question - other than a photo of its cover gleaned from the Instagram account of a fellow Dr Who fan who goes by the unlikely name of Russell T Davies (!).
For that reason, I've delved into my grimey subconscious and imagined its horrifying contents...
Read on if you dare, faithful viewer.
It's nearly that time of the year when newsagents and corner shops have to clear out that spare room and make space under the stairs to store their vast deliveries of festive TV guides.
Mammoth double issues with mammoth double prices will soon be weighing down the dump bins just inside the doors of local supermarkets. Some of the dumpbins may also be still standing by the end of their first day on the job.
So to celebrate and in anticipation of the mad rush to see what five year old movie we'll be sleeping through on Christmas Day, here's a stocking full of seasonal Radio and TVTimes for your amusing...
There were a series of largely educational quiz books published back in the early 80s. Written by Michael Holt, they featured the fifth Dr WHO and his assistants facing perplexing problems based around such themes as 'Space', 'Dinosaurs' and 'Magic'. Most of them ended up in remainded book shops as we Dr WHO fans didn't buy them much.
Here's some modern versions that are themed around more relevant 21st century subjects...
Finished doing these over the last weekend.
Christmas is approaching as I've probably said a dozen or so times on the blog already. (Sorry about that but I do need to keep bread on the table.)
You're probably desperate to purchase a gift for the Dr WHO Whovian who has everything but cannot find anything that isn't already on a shelf gathering dust in that private upstairs spare bedroom of theirs.
Well, your desperation is at an end with this lovely War Machine Carriage Clock based on the amazing robot men from the 1966 Post Office Tower - as seen in TV's Dr WHO television programme broadcast on BBCtv.
What it says for the title of this post...
The alien Voord! Not exactly the Daleks are they?
Men in creaky rubber wetsuits with very peculiar helmets and equally weird 'teletubbie' aerials - they fought the first Dr WHO for control of the Conscience of Marinus in story five of the first series.
And then they were gone... except for an appearance in the first Dr WHO annual!
And that weird comic strip in the Doctor Who Magazine where they turned out to be proto-Cybermen.
And they were recently the subject of a figurine in the Doctor Who Figurine Magazine collection thing.
Yes, apart from all that, they were the proverbial one-hit wonder.
So that's why I now present Action VOORD!
I've done four more bits of Dr WHO artwork.
Here they are...
Despite my comment about not thinking a Patrick Troughton Dr WHO DVD box set would work visually in that "olde-60s worlde" style, I did one anyway...
And a variant one for the actual forthcoming Series Ten release featuring everyone's favourite Dr WHO batman...
Something serious I did for some old Dr WHO stories.
Nothing funny here.
Move along please.
Okay, so I did some mock-ups for a WOTAN coffee table book as well...
You can't have too many Dr WHO coffee table books for Christmas in The Works!
There's a new Doctor Who coffee table book on the way to bookshelves shortly. It's called DALEK and is about Daleks. It costs £35.*
I've seen some of the pages from it and have come to the conclusion that I want some of that so here's my attempt at a similar tome dedicated to everyone's 44th favourite Dr WHO monster/robot - the Chumbleys.
I've called it "CHUMBLEY"
* If the price is too steep, do bear in mind that last year's similarly lavish coffee table book - The Whoniverse - is currently on the bargain table in WHSmiths for seven quid.