It broadcasts on Thursday nights following 'Question Time' and I assume its lightweight approach to designed to calm down the viewers infuriated by the live chimps tea party that the aforementioned show usually descends into.
Many criticise the show for its strange sense of humour. Me? I liken it to a political version of the old kids show 'Crackerjack' and I find myself offering up a paraphrased version of the old 'Doctor Who' excuse... "It's not a political show, it's made by the BBC light entertainment department!" ... which isn't true but seems to sum up their approach to the subject.
Anyhow, I'll give Gareth Roberts' Twitter feed the credit for setting me off on this little road. Thanks. And also apologise to 'Doctor Who Adventures' editor Paul Lang for misquoting him on the cover! Put it down to age. I'm more likely to say 'Crikey!' than 'Yikes!'
There's also a couple of variations on the theme from a few years ago. (NB: I made the same 'Crikey!' mistake back then as well.)