Sunday 3 April 2016

The Collected Official Doctor Who Collectors's Items Collection

I'm very sorry.

I've not added to the blog over the past week or two. I've been very busy. Honest. (Timeslip stuff if you must ask... but that's another website altogether.)

In the meantime, I thought it would be okay (and a service to new followers) to collect together all of the 'Doctor Who Collectors Item' magazine ads I've done over the past year or two on one post. 

I love these ads. The real ones, I mean. Be they for Elvis Presley handbags or Star Trek Cuckoo Clocks. Everyone knows they are TAT. That's TAT. In block capitals. Yet we (the royal 'we' of course) still buy them. 

Here are all the ones I've done including a new one...

I hope you like them enough to send me your money. Now. (Easy payment plans available subject to status.)