Monday, 12 August 2019

60s Spin-off Annuals For Dr Who Companions

The 2020 annuals are about to filter their way onto the shelves of WHSmith so now seems as good a time as any to do a few more covers for annuals that could've been.

Here's a selection of spin-off annuals for some of Dr Who's companions from the 1960s - done in a period style. 

Hope you like. 

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Thursday, 8 August 2019

TV Series Too Obscure For Big Finish To Produce Audio Adventures For...

Well, the title says it all really... 

If you liked this post (or indeed, any of the 400 odd others I've done over the years), why not buy me a coffee at my Ko-fi profile. The link is here

Those Classic 70s Doctor Who Spin-off DVDs!

Philip Madeley ( @pipmadeley ) did a Pertweet (see what he did there?) a few weeks back on the Twitter to celebrate the release of the Blu ray of Season ten. As part of that, he asked me to produce some DVD covers which could be popped into actual DVD cases and sold on eBay in aid of charity. The fact that people bid for them means that some folk will buy anything. But thanks to them we raised a tidy little sum for Cancer Research. Thanks to Pip for suggesting it.

These are the finished sleeves. (You'll need to click on them to read the text)

If you liked this post (or indeed, any of the 400 odd others I've done over the years), why not buy me a coffee at my Ko-fi profile. The link is here