Tuesday, 27 June 2017

World Enough and a Collection of Time Dilated Novels...

Given the timey-wimey nature of the recent adventure World Enough and Time, I was inspired to create a collection of covers reflecting the evolution of Doctor Who novels over the years...

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Target Capaldi - Series ten - part four

As some of you may know, my health has been a bit dicky over the past month so I've not posted as much stuff as I usually do. 

However, I've laboured on with the Doctor Who series ten Target book covers regardless - as most of them were in various stages of completion when I took ill. Here are the latest two. There is only one left and I will post it - together with a few unused designs once the final episode airs next Saturday 1 July. 

Normal service will be resumed shortly. 

Thank you. x