We're onto Patrick Troughton's tenure as the Doctor now. Don't worry, I'll get back to the real silliness soon.
I've had some lovely feedback from the previous posts and it's much appreciated. As I've said already, this is just a 'little' personal project I'm doing in my spare time to practice my Photoshop skills. I've not been at this long and am still learning. You can probably spot my early efforts in the designs and how some of the later covers become a little more sophisticated. I like this as it gives them more variety and some of the design tropes don't become repetitive when viewing the stories in broadcast order.
At the time of writing this, I still have one from season five and half of season six to complete. Hopefully I won't get bored by it and the project unfinished. I have a very short attention span for these sort of things. With a bit of luck I'll have finished it by the weekend and can get back to the really silly stuff again...
Thank you for bearing with me.