Monday 15 October 2018

Doctor Who series 11 Target Books - part one

Well, the new series of TV's Dr Who is well underway and Jodie Whittaker is now a fully fledged Time Lord. The reaction seems to be overwhelmingly positive and certainly the ratings are very good. 

The series certainly needed a proper reboot (not just a new Doctor) and Chris Chibnall has given it a shot in the arm with a 'back-to-basics' approach to both the show's look and its storytelling. To me it feels fresh and stylish whilst at the same time holding on to those quintessential elements that makes the series unique amongst its peers. 

Change is good. Much as I loved Peter Capaldi's final run as the Doctor, the series itself was starting to become repetitive and formulaic. I might be 54 years old but I still have the attention-span of a teenager and get bored easily. 

I had planned to stop doing my Target book covers with Capaldi's final turn as the Doctor, and concentrate on more unique designs and stuffs. They had started to become a bit of a chore and repetitive. But for some reason, watching Jodie Whittaker's first episode fired up my creative juices and I decided (very much at the last minute) to carry on and do some more. 

There's also the challenge of the lack of pre-broadcast images and information which I actually like. It's like working under the same pressures as some of the artists on the original target covers worked under. (Remember The Five Doctors and Destiny of the Daleks covers?).

Here are the first four:

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